Our story

Joyful Women’s Community was created to empower women to develop a deeper appreciation and understanding of themselves as they align with God’s vision for their life.

Our mission is to empower an elite group of purposed women who will continue passing the knowledge of growth, healing, and elevated living to others.

Greetings, I’m Billie Crutcher, CEO of Coach Billie C and the Founder of Joyful Women’s Community. Over ten years ago, during a difficult time, I was called to begin empowering women through a small church group. This was not my first choice, as I was in the midst of a divorce, healing my heart, and raising a teenager. However, this group of women was truly a God send. As I led them through growth, healing, and spiritual practices, they became stronger and more resilient. I became more compassionate and wiser and developed the freedom I never thought I would have. New bonds were formed as our hearts, minds, and spirits healed.

A few years later, the group expanded into the community. I was blessed to assist female entrepreneurs from the community in understanding their purpose, pursuing their dreams, and becoming more balanced while developing stronger mindsets. I am humbled that these women chose me. The bonds we developed have spanned a decade, and we are still growing strong.

I realize that during the most challenging times in our lives,   women need space to focus on themselves and thrive. Joyful Women’s Community is that virtual space. I’ve been called to assist more women in growing deeper, going farther, and creating lives aligned with God’s purpose and vision for their lives. This is an exciting time as new levels of success will be achieved.

The women in our community are unique. They have eclectic styles and come from various backgrounds, but the one thing we all have in common is our hearts. We want to see other women succeed, and we are champions of a greater cause. So my promise to you is this, if you choose yourself first, I will work diligently to help you get more of what you want in life!

Joyful Women’s Community is not a program. Instead, we are a community of purposed women living fulfilled lives.


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